
How to Choose the Best Marketing Recruitment Agency


There are many recruitment agencies that operate in different domains and claim to be a jack of all trades which is hardly true. There is a difference in recruiting for engineering positions and recruiting for marketing positions.

If you plan to recruit top talent for your marketing department, you need to find marketing recruiting firms who specialize in recruiting staff for marketing departments. Here are a few tips that will help you select the best marketing recruitment agency.

Look for Real Specialists

A real specialist marketing recruiter would understand the intricacies of marketing departments in different organizations. The marketing field has changed drastically over these years and so has the skills requirements.

A good marketing recruitment agency would know the changing dynamics of marketing field and also know the technical elements required in candidates for a successful marketing career. The agency would be a proven “Masters” in the marketing domain having successfully recruited marketing professionals for industry leaders.

Candidate Reach

According to TPP recruitment survey, finding the right caliber candidate has become difficult in recent years. The reasons are changing business landscape, global competition for talent, and technology advancements.

Today, we are living in a candidate driven job market where the top talent is flooded with ample job offers. To recruit the best talent, you need to look for a marketing recruitment agency which has deeper and wider reach across different recruitment channels.

Leading marketing recruitment firms also have potential to reach and engage passive candidates. Passive candidates are preferred by businesses as they have updated knowledge of the industry and they are valuable to their current employers. You need to look for marketing recruiting firms who are willing to go beyond a list of active applicants and search for candidates with true marketing potential.

A good marketing recruitment agency would have a range of success stories with a client base with a mix of big brands, and SME’s. The agency would be able to demonstrate its talent search skills and advanced techniques to reach local, nationals and international marketing talent.

Also, the marketing recruitment consultant should be able to offer flexible recruitment solution to find candidates with different levels of experience for diverse marketing roles including marketing assistants to C-suite executives.

Reputation Matters

Reputation is important in hiring business. According to Glassdoor findings, 65% of candidates will not consider working with a recruiter or a company of poor reputation even when they are unemployed. Think about – one-third of potential candidates will stay away from your company if you partner with a low-reputation recruitment agency.

Working with top marketing recruitment agency means it will be easier to attract top talent. The right marketing recruitment agency would have a positive word of mouth, would be strongly connected to industry leaders and also have a strong presence in the marketing community. A good recruitment agency would show their relevance to marketing recruitment and also show the added value they bring to the whole hiring process.

Refined Screening Process

The right marketing recruitment agency would not provide you an array of similar CV’s for a particular marketing role. The screening process should take into account various factors such as cultural fit, skills sets, analytical skills, sector background, years of experience, availability, salary expectations, overall fit for the role.

The result of thorough screening process should not result in more than five candidates relevant to any marketing position. Also, the recruitment consultant should be able to demonstrate in detail the screening process which includes details about competency-based interview and selection process. The recruiter should be able to provide concise, brief, and accurate summary of each selected candidate, the relevance of education, skills, and experience to a marketing role.

The above-given tips will help find the top marketing recruiting firms which can help you get top talent for different marketing roles in your company. After all, you want to work with established recruiters in marketing vertical who can find you candidates with right marketing caliber to strengthen your marketing campaigns.

How do you hire marketing staff for your organization?

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