
Five Reasons to Use Badiu for SEM


Most of the world has Google, but China has Baidu. Google is almost absent in one of the largest countries in the world. And when most Chinese netizens prefer Baidu, the largest search engine in China, then why not businesses will advertise on Baidu.

When you are planning to advertise in China, Baidu SEM is your go-to way for advertising your business online. Baidu search engine marketing (SEM) has a lot of similarities with Google search engine marketing, but never think it is the same. It is quite different. Baidu is not a replica of Google. It has its own function, features, and algorithms which are very different from Google.

For advertising online in mainland China, there is a lot of reason to use Baidu. Let’s have a look at the top five reasons.

Major Market Share

Baidu now accounts for the 66.29% of the search engine market share. In the first quarter of 2018, Baidu market share was 80%. So, unquestionably, Baidu is the king of search engine market. It boasts 5 billion searches per day. Definitely, no company would want to miss the opportunity of advertising on such a platform.

Chinese netizens prefer Baidu over other search engines. Google market share in the Chinese market is just meager 2.7%. So there is no point of looking at Google for advertising in China. Even other Chinese search engines such as 360, Sogou, and Shenma are doing far better than Google, but still, Baidu is the undisputed king of the Chinese search engine market.

Chinese Prefer Baidu

Baidu has 657 million monthly active mobile users. Mobile revenue accounted for the 77% of the total revenue of Baidu. Hence, it clearly shows if you want to reach the mobile audience in China, you have to invest in Baidu SEM.

When it comes to searching for something online, Chinese prefer Baidu over others. You can also say- Baidu is truly Chinese. With the deep understanding of how Chinese behave, Baidu has set its algorithm and shows the most relevant results for queries.

Positive Response to Paid Advertisements

When it comes to search engine marketing, we all know the value of organic traffic. But in the Chinese landscape, paid advertising are also performing well. For western companies, some experts even advise only to invest in Baidu PPC ads for Baidu SEM because Baidu paid advertising shows great results. Baidu SERP shows five paid results and ten organic results. So, you have a great opportunity to target your brand in front of the right audience.

Baidu Popularity

Baidu Knows, Baidu Tieba, Baidu Baike, Baidu Wenku, and Baidu Maps are few products launched by the Baidu that has gained a lot of popularity in China. There is a huge audience for each platform. Hence, it simply depicts that Chinese trusts Baidu.

Baidu Baike is a web-based encyclopedia that covers almost every topic. Baidu Baike articles are perceived as the credible source of information. Baidu Knows is the question-answer platform where you can put any query, and find an answer to it. So, there is nothing like Baidu in the Chinese market.

Baidu Marketing Tools

You will never miss Google AdWords or Google Analytics when you invest in Baidu SEM. Baidu has some great marketing tools. Baidu Phoenix Nest is Baidu’s PPC platform. It provides you all the features of Google AdWords. And also, you do not have to worry about Google Analytics, Baidu has Baidu Tongji. These marketing tools are just phenomenal. These tools allow you to plan and run your online advertising campaign. You can easily track your results, take control over your advertising efforts, and implement your Baidu SEM strategy effectively with these tools.

These are the five reasons why you should use Baidu for SEM.

The Bottom Line

SEO and PPC advertising are the two pillars of the search engine marketing. Investing in these marketing strategies can earn you millions of customers for your business. And the majority of the Chinese netizens trust and prefer Baidu. Therefore, investing in Baidu SEM seems to be the best way to advertising your business online in China.

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